Good begets good or so says the green grass theory. The good works that Selena Yasmine and her band of next-gen builders at BrightQuests Agency are doing have not gone unnoticed as they were honored as the Top Modelling Agency Of The Year at the Top Notch Nigeria Businesses And Professionals Awards (TNNBP).
Top Notch Nigeria Businesses And Professionals Awards (TNNBP), an award flagship of Reecho World Biz, is an annual award that is dedicated to recognizing and honoring outstanding businesses and professionals in Nigeria for making an impact in their chosen fields and embracing more quality competition in products, goods, and services to meet international level, in both merit and honorary awards.
Speaking after receiving the award on behalf of her BrightQuests Agency; Selina Yasmine dedicated the award to her “team at BrightQuests and all the parents who believed in the efficacy of the Face of Brightquest project and worked to make it a beautiful reality.”

Shedding more light on the central vision of Face of BrightQuests, the kid’s talent pageant, she said: “The main vision of ‘Face of BrightsQuests’ is to raise generations that are aware of their talents and allow parents to support their kids’ talents at a very early age and it fills our hearts with great joy and encouragement that our work, which has only begun is being recognized.”
Although BrightQuests Agency and by extension, ‘Face of BrightsQuests’ is Selina Yasmine’s channel of talent evolution for kids, her journey with kids didn’t start with it. “Working with kids has always been part of me, especially having to train my kid sister who was 3 years old while I was only 10, myself.” She enthused.
Yasmine’s quest with kids has been a roller coaster of experiences. First started as a class teacher, and then became a school club coach, and then she morphed into kids and teens mentor – all within a span of fewer than 5 years. “These experiences metamorphosed and ignited the fire to start the kids and talent discovery Academy – Brightquests Agency which produces the ‘Face of BrightsQuests‘, a platform that will discover hidden talents in kids and teenagers; thereby helping them to utilize and unleash the confidence in them to showcase their abilities via runway modelling, pageant modelling, Sports, music, art, acting among others.” She elucidated.

As a closing note, she stressed that “this award will go a long way in motivating parents to explore avenues to help their kids discover and flourish in their hidden talents from early on.”