0The 15th Headies Awards, which took place on Sunday night (September 4), was a major event for African artists. The show, which aired live from the...
The 15th Headies Awards, which took place on Sunday night (September 4), was a major event for African artists. The show, which aired live from the...
The year 2019 has no doubt witnessed the rise of so many talented singers, slowly dominating the music industry. With every month, comes a hit song...
The organizers of the 2019 annual The Headies have announced Nancy Isime and Reminisce as the official hosts for the 2019 show. The Headies, Nigeria’s most prestigious music award that celebrates excellence...
The Headies (also known as Hip Hop World Awards), since 2006 has been recognizing and celebrating outstanding achievement in Nigeria’s music industry. The 12th edition of the award...