Happiness is in the air and the reason may not be far to seek as Big Achievable Dreams (BAD) Music welcomes fast-rising and Afro pop act, Prowess to label.
The singer has assured his new home of his adequate commitment to the vision of the company and says he’s ready to step up his game.
With the unveiling of Prowess as the label’s act, the singer is expected to take his music to new heights as the label has promised to back his ambition with all that it takes.
For over three weeks, the label which is based in South Africa & Nigeria has been the talk of the town with expectations from fans mounting over what Prowess is bringing to the company.
With DAW EMPIRE headed by Dami Adenuga handling the label’s Management, PR and the affairs of Prowess, the journey to greatness may have just begun.

Congratulations to Prowess威而鋼 ong>!